Sonja R. Pearson, hailing from Red Springs, North Carolina, and now residing in Atlanta, Georgia, is a dynamic individual with a passion for sports. As the founder of the all-female Carolina Panthers fan club, The Carolina Pantherettes, she's breaking barriers in the world of football fandom. Sonja's journey led her to establish "Prim & Proper Sports, NESSP at Night,' All Things Football from a Lady's Perspective," showcasing her unique viewpoint in the sports arena. Growing up surrounded by sports, she not only witnessed her Daddy’s prowess in regional baseball but also actively participated in recreational basketball, school softball, and track and field. Her sports allegiance extends to lifelong fandom for Duke and the Atlanta Braves, but it's her love for the NFL that holds a special place. This love is rooted in her close bond with her Duncle, her uncle turned second father, who she shared countless game moments until his passing in 2018. Sonja sees sports as a connection to her late Duncle, making every game a cherished memory and a celebration of his enduring spirit.