Can you imagine you are at one of the biggest events in your family's future. Your daughter is getting married and you daughter in law is pregnant ready to carry on your family's legacy and not only does your son get hit and killed by a driver who couldn't wait behind what he thought was slow moving traffic, so the driver goes into a lane that is meant for cyclists and kills your son. Times that times 2 and both of your sons are killed by this driver. It is now determined that the driver was driving while impaired We see it all the time whether the driver is impaired or not drivers who think that their time is more important than our driving recklessly on the highway and back roads. 2 sons, 2 brothers, 2 uncles, 2 of your family at one time at what is supposed to be a joyous occasion. These 2 brothers happen to be Hockey players and because of this Johhny Gaudreau and his brother Mathew were honored around the sports world Friday because to this tragedy.
Johnny's wife posted on Instagram of their family writing captions to her husband "We're going to make you proud". The tributes to the 2 players have crossed into all sports not just Hockey.
The suspect who said alcohol contributed to his impatience and reckless driving which resulted in the accident. The 43-year-old Sean Higgins works for, get this - an addiction treatment provider has been placed immediately of leave.
This has been become part of culture drivers changing lanes because they want to go faster, cutting people off causing accidents, there has to be stronger punishments for this type a driver - alcohol related or not. It's a shame that it takes a tragedy like this to bring this problem to the front of the headlines.
Rest in Peace Johnny and Mathew, prayers to their families, and law enforcement there has to be something done now. By Linda McGrath